Arc Time Tracking- Remote Time Tracking System
This statistic shows that as of April 2020, 39% of workers preferred to work from the office while 40% preferred to work remotely.

Remote work has become the new norm. Not just because of the pandemic, but even otherwise, several companies maintained a percentage of remote workers. A remote working ecosystem not only saves time for your employees on the commute but also offers other benefits. This includes improved work-life balance, flexibility, and the opportunity to work independently under minimum supervision.
As business owners, you too benefit from having a remote ecosystem. You are free to hire top talents in the industry without restrictions over geographical locations. This, in turn, enables you to augment your business’s reach across the globe.
So, is maintaining a remote working environment a cakewalk? Not exactly, it comes with its baggage of limitations. One challenge is having a track of your team's progress and daily activities.
How can you overcome this challenge efficiently? Incorporating work from home tracking software is a good idea. What can a time tracker do to improve efficiency? Read on to know this!
Helps Obtain Regular Work Updates
The traditional way of getting work updates from employees is simply asking them about the status. However, this may not be suitable every time. Though most employees may not mind providing updates on tasks once or twice a day, others may feel micromanaged. They may feel that supervisors do not trust them.
On the other hand, these updates about tasks are of superior value to you. You can plan projects for the future and also assign further tasks to employees on a daily or weekly basis. Moreover, you get a sneak peek into how much workload your team members are managing individually.
Your time tracking software streamlines all this data. This system urges your employees to fill in information about the status of tasks on a weekly or daily basis.
Therefore, end of the day, you have solid information on a single interface about the standpoint of your entire team.
Allows Assign Task Deadlines
Meeting deadlines is crucial in a face-paced working environment. Though there isn't any harm in being lenient when a proactive team member misses a deadline, constantly going off track may hit hard on the quality of your product delivery/services.
The simplest way to handle this is by providing access to work from home time tracker. You may assign tasks to employees along with specifying the start and end of task dates. Mentioning this will motivate employees to take them seriously.
Best remote employee time tracking software not just helps track deadlines but also triggers alerts when you near/miss a deadline. This helps employees to pay attention to the tasks if they have overlooked them.
Enables Recording Working Hours
You may be able to easily track the clocking time of a small team. However, it may become complicated if you work with a bigger team with several members. It is practically not possible to note down accurate details of the time they have logged in/logged out.
Your time tracking and attendance system can take complete charge of this requirement. Your employees can either manually enter their login and log off time or simply clock in and clock out using the automated time tracker. Both ways, your employee time is recorded in the time tracker accurately.
If you were to pay your employees on an hourly basis, this kind of precise tracking can help calculate their payout.
Even otherwise, if you expect your employees to spend a mandatory amount of hours in work, this too can be kept track of efficiently.
Provides Easy Accessibility
Accessibility plays an important role in a remote working environment. Your employees may work from anywhere across the globe. They need to access all critical documents, edit, review, or share them over a collaborative network.
The same stands good for a time tracker software. Your employee time tracker should be easily accessible on a centralized platform. Cloud-based time tracking software is a good choice in this case. They can be easily accessed irrespective of the geographical location of your employees. It allows employees to edit their work hours, supervisors to make bulk approvals, reject in the case of discrepancies, and include comments if a clarification has to be provided.
The data on a cloud-based time tracker can be reviewed and worked upon simultaneously by multiple users.
This kind of simplified online interface reflects transparency across the team and helps nurture a collaborative environment.
Archarina’s Arc Time Tracker is a high-end time tracking software that serves all your needs to track remote employee productivity. It tracks time-based on the tasks that have been assigned. This time tracking software can also be integrated with the Denali payroll, a Cougar Mountain product. Here is the home page of Archarina’s Arc Time Tracker.

Wrap Up
Collaboration and seamless information sharing is the key to the success of a remote working environment. An employee time tracking system enables you to establish this. It helps you have a proper hold on your team and obtain a bird's eye view of critical data.
To implement Archarina’s Arc Time tracking system, contact us today for more details and a free demo!
employee time tracking , remote workers , remote working system , time tracking software
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